Take your minerals on the go with our natural blend of seamoss capsules, seamoss is a super food containing 92 of the 102 minerals the body needs to function so should be taken everyday regardless of your situation. Rich iodine, zinc, calcium and potassium just to name a few.
Sea Moss also contains antiviral and antimicrobial properties as well as minerals and antioxidants to help keep you healthy year-round and helps strengthen your immune system
Taking two capsules each day is equivalent to two tablespoons of seamoss! No fuss no mess just simply swallow with water and your done.
Our capsules vegan friendly no added chemicals, 100%wildcrafted and with every purchase made you are helping us support the local village if Jambiani Africa and for that we thank you!
Take two capsules per day preferable with am meal
supplement facts: seamoss (Ecuchma spinosum) (1000mg)