The Nk story

The risk  

Hi Im Nashipae founder of Nk seamoss. Welcome to my story of how Nk sea moss came to reality. Settle down with your herbal tea containing 1 tablespoon of our NK sea moss gel and enjoy the read, it makes a very interesting one.                                              A company that was built on pure risk.



 The Journey 

 Let me take you on a journey to tell you a little story of how NK sea moss came to life. 

The time came for me to depart beautiful Kenya and head to the unknown of Zanzibar, I booked my trip to Kenya after having dream. I jumped out of my sleep after a voice had whispered “Go to Kenya”. I was obedient to the voice and immediately booked my flight a month later here I was roaming freely around Kenya. I spent time on safari, taking in the breath taking landscapes, and really immersing myself in African culture and tribes Eger to explore and learn all I could 

  After sometime in Kenya I made an unplanned decision to leave Kenya in search of a new adventure. I booked a flight to Zanzibar on a whim after typing into google things to do in Kenya and that's when Zanzibar came up. Intrigued, excited and nervous I left Kenya that same night after arriving back in the capital of Nairobi. As a well-seasoned traveller, I tend not to make any plans when traveling I just go where my gut tells me to. I have travelled over 30+ countries solo and find this strategy definitely works for me.

The adventure 

 The duration of my flight to Zanzibar was 1 hour, I landed in Zanzibar in the early hours of the morning in a tiny airport of Zanzibar,  I was hit by the tremendous heat It had felt I had landed in the Caribbean. By the time I got through customs and reached my bungalow it was around 4am in the morning. I headed to my room put my bags down and sat outside my bungalow situated right on the beach. I sat listening to the waves crashing and the gentle breeze blowing I felt at peace, I felt my soul was where it needed to be. I sat there until the sun came up and wow was it spectacular the sun rose in all its glory. I spent the rest of the morning frolicking in the waters and basking on the beach, enjoying island life as I walked along the beach I glimpse a beautiful strain of seamoss laying on the beach .

Remembering a conversation I  was having with someone about seamoss before l left for Africa just out of curiosity I wanted to know if it was here on the island of Zanzibar, I had no plans to obtain sea moss or even start a seamoss business i just wanted some for personal use see I have been plant based for almost 10 years and always on the hunt for additional superfoods to add to my diet and at this time seamoss was re surfacing after the late Dr Serbi had shed light about the benefits of seamoss 

 As I began to walk with seamoss in hand a man out of nowhere approached me with his bike with a bag on top, full of scarves he was selling. He asked how I was, and how I liked the island thus far? I replied " It's paradise” I’d only been there literally 8 hours, but the island had already gripped my heart. As we began to engage further in conversation, I asked him about sea moss, and if I could get it on the island, he laid down his bike and told me to stay right there, in less than 5 minutes he had come back with a handful of Purple and Gold sea moss, in that same moment a lady walked past me with a bag of Gold sea moss fresh from the sea on her head ready to be put out to dry in the sun. I could not believe what was happening before my eyes, just like that the very thing I was looking for was right before me I could not comprehend what was happening, I honestly stood there stunned as the universe worked its magic.(I could not make this up if I tried). I expressed that I would like to buy some and export it to England he replied "Hakuna matata" meaning no worries and that he will meet me in few days to discuss the process. The next few days I spent time exploring the beautiful island on my motorbike visiting some beautiful beaches,  watching some of the most amazing sunsets, eating some of the most amazing foods and immersing myself into island life after years of travelling I truly felt I found a place where I belonged. 

The execution

A few days passed and the gentleman that I had met on my first day had called me and informed me he was coming to collect me to meet his friend who could help me with exporting the sea moss. We arrived at this huge grand house marble floors oak furniture truly something majestically beautiful, I sat nervously as I did not know what to expect, I mean 'What the hell was I doing in a foreign country alone, in a house with two men I did not know! The meeting begun. we discussed plans to obtain the quantity of sea moss I required, and the necessary paperwork needed to export the sea moss to the UK I was informed in detail what I needed to do and I was 100 hundred percent keen to proceed It took me about 10 minutes to way up the risk, and proceeded anyway. I am very persistent person and love to take risks I live by the philosophy ' Take the risk or lose the chance.' 

 Over the next few days the real work begun, as I had just over a week remaining on the island, I wanted to ensure we had the quantity of sea moss in the air before I left the island, or at least a couple days after. I had built up so many amazing friendships over the past week, everyone went out the way to help me ensure the vision of Nk seamoss came to life, I could not thank them enough.

The departure

The morning came and it was time for me to leave the island of paradise, I sadly said my goodbyes to all the amazing friends I met along the way boarded my flight back to the UK.

As I sat on the plane I kept thinking to myself, I never thought I would take such a risk like this, what's more amazing about this story is nothing about this whole trip was planned everything was done on a wing and a prayer and true to form everything came to life, two days later the sea moss made it the UK .I then went into beast mode, working tirelessly to get Nk seamoss to the point you see it today within 3 month I had made over £10,000 in pure profits.

Anything is possible with the right mindset and sheer determination not to give up, even when there seems to be no clear path laid out ahead. So keep going and never give up on your dreams, they need you to execute them!

The return 

During a life twist I came back to Zanzibar later that year 2019 due to a cancelled flight back to the UK  because of the virus that hit the world I now remain here indefinitely this is my story.

I have been able to built a home, obtain several pieces of land and build other businesses here too. My seamoss business afforded me the opportunity to execute a dream I thought would never be possible for me, I living freely and peacefully.

Thankyou Nk family

Thank you for supporting NK Seamoss movement, In supporting us, you are also supporting the local villages in the East coast of Zanzibar, who work tremendously hard to harvest the sea moss for us to consume and distribute. With every purchase made this helps another family to ensure there is enough food to feed their families, send children to school and provide a hopeful future for the local villages.

I highly believe in the philosophy that 'Each one help one'. Which is why we have made a promise to donate 15% of our profits at the end if each QUATER to the local villages that provide us with our supply of sea moss.

Thank you for taking the time out to explore our page and read MY story, I hope you enjoy the products sourced by us for you.

You have now come to the end of this chapter in my life and hope you found it to be an enjoyable, informative read on how NK seamoss came to life and hope it has inspired you to take the risk to start your very own seamoss business.

Love, peace and enrichment 

Nashipae builder of Nk seamoss.