Made with love we bring to you Purple sea moss Gel. Sourced directly from an Island located in East Africa called Zanzibar. High in nutrients and minerals this super food is truly a great gift from mother nature.
The Wonderful thing about sea moss gel is that it can be consumed in many different ways. Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of seamoss daily provides the body with tremendous benefits. You can add 1-2 tablespoons to thicken up your favourite sauces, soups and curries. Add and go to your favourite smoothies, juices or smoothies bowls. Experiment by adding it to cakes or ice cream as it can be used as a vegan gelatine replacement. Sea moss is tasteless so it will not alter the taste of your recipes. Check out our Recipe page to get you started with some simple recipes to get you started!
As well as being a superfood sea moss has many external benefits, great for the skin , use as a moisturizer to help revitalizes skin and nails, use as a face mask to get rid of those unwanted spots, blackheads and pimples, mix with your shampoo or conditioner and give your hair the minerals and nutrients it deserves.
Sea moss contains a whooping 92 minerals of the 102 minerals the body needs, Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel daily will help with fatigue, thyroid problems, iron deficiency, joint problems, expel mucus from your lungs, mental health issues and helps aid weight loss. Rich in vitamins A, C,E,K, B1, and B12, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, bromine, iron, protein, pectin, sulphur containing amino acid called taurine a nutrient commonly lacking in vegan and vegetarians.
*Please note* Gels should be kept refrigerated, and used with 3 weeks of purchase.